Treating More than the Tumour: The Role of Technology in Efficient Cancer Care

Brent Parker, Christina Weisstock


A cancer diagnosis substantially impacts patients and their families, often disrupting life and work routines and intensifying psychological distress. It is becoming increasingly recognized that support, empowerment and communication are critical components of patient-centered care, and are particularly important within the field of oncology. Health care providers and researchers at the BC Cancer Agency seek to address both the physical and psychosocial aspects of the disease through the use of technology. This commentary summarizes the emerging clinical innovations of TeleOncology, brachytherapy, and Internet-based follow up, designed to support cancer patients in British Columbia.

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Parker B, Weisstock C. Treating More than the Tumour: The Role of Technology in Efficient Cancer Care. UBCMJ 2013 5(1):37-38.