Submission Guidelines

 Submissions for Spring 2025 Issue!

We are excited to announce that our Spring 2025 issue will be themed “Accessibility in Medicine”. Our call for submissions is now open!

Medicine should be a universal right, yet barriers to access persist, creating profound disparities in healthcare outcomes. This issue explores the theme of accessibility in medicine—from the systemic, social, and economic challenges that limit care, to innovative solutions that bridge gaps in equity. We welcome submissions addressing topics such as healthcare for underserved communities, disability-inclusive practices, language and cultural barriers, advancements in assistive technology, and policy reforms aimed at expanding access. Share your research, stories, and perspectives to help create a more inclusive and equitable healthcare system.

Submission deadline: March 22nd, 2025 

 Thinking about submitting?

Please read our comprehensive UBCMJ Author Submission Guidelines, which lists our article categories and manuscript requirements. Note that in line with initiatives to support greener publishing strategies, we are no longer printing both our Fall and Spring Issues. We continue to proudly publish and promote our issues online.

Before you submit, ensure you have completed every step listed in the checklist below

  1. Ensure that the manuscript follows the following UBCMJ Manuscript Template. Ensure the title page (first page of the manuscript) is correctly formatted and contains all of the correct identifying author information while the body of the manuscript contains no identifying information.
  2. Carefully review our author submission guidelines (above) and ensure that your submission meets the listed requirements.
  3. Draft a cover letter that indicates the category of your submission as well as the name, qualifications, and contact information of the faculty sponsor.
  4. Carefully review and complete our Single Author Article Submission Form (PDF) or Multiple Author Article Submission Form (PDF).
  5. If applicable, carefully review and complete our Patient Consent for Publication Form (PDF), and ensure that your submission meets the requirements presented therein. Patient consent is not to be sent to the journal with your submission, but must be retained by the authors for a period of five (5) years.
  6. Review and complete the conflicts of interest disclosure form: COI Disclosure Form (from ICJME) and ensure that all authors of your submission have thoroughly met the disclosure requirements presented therein. *Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader DC to view/edit*
  7. Submit your manuscript to OJS, and include the following documents as supplemental documents:
    • Cover Letter
    • Signed and Completed Single or Multiple Author Submission Form
    • COI Disclosure Form
    • High-quality Images, Figures, and Tables

Do not hesitate to contact the managing editor at if you have any submissions-related inquiries.