Preventative Medicine
UBCMJ Volume 3, Issue 2 [29.3 MB]
The Evolving Practice of Preventative Medicine
Julia Pon, Michelle Lai
UBCMJ. 2012 3(2):4-5.
Bicycling: Health Risk or Benefit
Kay Teschke, Conor C.O. Reynolds, Francis J. Ries, Brian Gouge, Meghan Winters
UBCMJ. 2012 3(2):6-11.
A Survey Assessment of the Vancouver Native Youth Initiative by Youth and Volunteers
Nathan Wong, Jessica Macleod, Trenton Kellock, Kali Romano, Ryan Truanta
UBCMJ. 2012 3(2):14-18.
Food of the Gods: The Role of Chocolate in Cardiovascular Health
Katherine Milbers
UBCMJ. 2012 3(2):19-22.
Intratubular Germ Cell Neoplasia in the Pediatric Population: A Case Report
Kristin M. DeGirolamo, David Dix, Monica Langer, John Masterson
UBCMJ. 2012 3(2):27-32.
Book Review: The China Study
Katie Tyzuk
UBCMJ. 2012 3(2):38-39.
The Impact of Low Literacy on Health
Danny Guo
UBCMJ. 2012 3(2):39-41.
Evidence for the Benefits of Carbohydrate Restriction in Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes
Megan Burns
UBCMJ. 2012 3(2):46-47.
Insite: A Harm Reduction Success Story
Simon Jones
UBCMJ. 2012 3(2):47-48.
Gene Expression and Social Interaction: Examining the Interplay between Socioeconomic Status, Stress, and Epigenetics
Maurice Agha
UBCMJ. 2012 3(2):49-50.
Hip Fractures: Not Just Another Broken Bone
Lawrence Kei
UBCMJ. 2012 3(2):50-51.
Should Patients, Medical Students, and Healthcare Professionals Use Wikipedia?
Charlie Zhang
UBCMJ. 2012 3(2):51-52