Our website is now home to a brand new blog and we’re inviting students to share their research interests, travel experiences, and opinions on medicine and medical education.
Check out our blog categories below and don’t hesitate to reach out!
Research Interviews
We’re looking to highlight student FLEX projects and research experiences. We want to hear about what motivated you to pursue your project, what your work involved, and what you learned from the experience. The goal is to give other students a taste of the breadth of research that’s available to students in the Faculty of Medicine! Get in touch with us if you’re interested and we’ll arrange an interview.
The *Positive* Negatives
Ever make a mistake or faux pas in your research or clinical work that you learned a lot from? We want to hear about the roadblocks and failures you encountered and how you overcame them. Think about this as a chance for other students to learn from your experiences.
Travel Diaries
Have you attended a conference or workshop lately? Share the details here! We want to hear about what you learned and what you saw — anything from the process of applying for travel awards, submitting an abstract, preparing a presentation, networking, or even sightseeing.
Opinion Pieces
Here we’re inviting you to write about anything in the realm of medicine or education that piques your interest. Tell us about your self-isolation experience during COVID-19, experiences from a particular clerkship rotation, or even study skills that you picked up during the last year. Don’t hesitate to pitch us new ideas. We want to hear from you!
Contact external.editor@ubcmj.com if you’re interested and want to chat!